2022 - Timeline


December 2022: Matthew Sagone from Squire Patton Boggs attended the December 20, 2022 Personnel & Finance Committee Meeting.  Mr. Sagone consulted regarding options for securing renovation funding from the PLF.

During the December 20th Committee Meeting, the Board also received an update on the Strategic Planning Process, which included dates for a Board Retreat, Staff Retreat, and Leadership Retreats.

November 2022: On November 15, 2023, during the Personnel & Finance Committee Meeting, the Board of Trustees discussed the following:

The Euclid Public Library held Community Focus Groups with the help of Bialosky Cleveland and NEO-RLS on October 11, 20, and 21. These Focus Groups provided some valuable insight into what the community is looking for in a potential renovation, as well as a new Strategic Plan for 2023-2025.

Bialosky Cleveland provided a full Outreach Report, which shows that 68 residents participated in the groups, with 59% living in the 44123 zip code, and 46% being under the age of 18.  Participants valued gaming, meeting rooms, quiet rooms, and a children’s area.

October 2022: NEO-RLS conducted the Strategic Planning Community Focus Groups and began the Community Survey.

  • Survey the Community (October 7 – November 18)
  • Focus Groups: October 11, 20, and 21

September 2022: Fiscal Officer David Piskac reported that the Euclid Public Library experienced higher than expected HVAC issues during the course of the year. 

August 2022: Director Armstrong, Fiscal Officer Piskac, and representatives from Bialosky attended a meeting with Mayor Gail and the City Council to discuss the renovation project, and funding acquisition for it. The Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees votes to accept the Facility Master Plan and the Facility Condition Assessment from Bialosky. The Board also voted to extend Bialosky's contract on an hourly basis.

Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees approved the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System as our strategic planning consultant. 

June 2022: The Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees voted to proceed with Option 3 in the Facility Master Plan, a New Build on the Current Site.

May 2022: Bialosky first introduced the Facility Master Plan to the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees, which included four options for potential renovation projects.

April 2022: Bialosky first introduced the Facility Condition Assessment to the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees. This document outlined the current state of the library building.

February 2022: Board authorized the hiring of Bialosky Architects as Design Services, and approved the Design Services Contract with Bialosky Architects.

January 2022: Board approved a ranking of the top three candidates for the Design Services position, and approved entering into negotiations with the top-ranked firm.


Stakeholders and patrons are encouraged to stay up-to-date during the Library renovation project by visiting the Library Renovation section of the website, signing up for our eNewsletter, and following us on social media.