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What do you think of when you hear the word “caves?” Do you picture hibernating bears, bats hanging from the ceiling, or maybe a cave man learning to use fire? Caves are more than homes for animals and prehistoric man. They are one of the most interesting landforms on Earth.
Caves, also known as caverns, are defined as large, hollow areas inside a rock or under the ground. They are classified according to how they are formed.
Almost everyone likes to see a kite soar and swoop in the wind. Kites are fun, have a rich history, and can be appealing to the eye. Although you can purchase a kite, you can show your creativity by making your own.
Kites come in hundreds of shapes and sizes. Kites are made from paper, cloth, plastic or nylon. Kites were once only popular in Asian cultures. It is thought that the Chinese flew the first kites thousands of years ago.