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Grizzly Bears

Grizzly bears are a kind of brown bear that live in North America, mostly in Alaska and western Canada. Grizzly bears live alone, except for mothers and their cubs.  Cubs live with their mother until they are 2 or 3 years old. Grizzly bears are omnivores. They eat both meat and plants. They like nuts, berries, and salmon. They will also hunt deer, moose and elk.  They eat a lot of food in summer and fall to prepare for hibernation. They can eat for up to 20 hours a day! Grizzly bears have a lump of muscle on their backs that they get from digging.


Who doesn’t love glitter? It adds a colorful, sparkly, shimmery shine to everything! 

Glitter is a collection of different sized, shaped, and colored particles that are cut by a machine. These particles reflect the light at different angles, causing shimmer or sparkle. In ancient times, mica and malachite are minerals that were used to add a glittery effect by people throughout the world, including China, India and Greece.  These minerals were used in the arts and cosmetics for centuries.  


Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second biggest in our solar system. Saturn is a gas giant, which means that it doesn’t have a solid surface that a spacecraft could actually land on. Instead, it’s mostly made up of hydrogen and helium with a liquid and metal core. Saturn spins so fast that a full day lasts just under 11 hours, but it takes so long to get around the sun that one year on Saturn is equal to 29 Earth years!  

The Harlem Globetrotters

The Harlem Globetrotters were formed by Abe Saperstein in 1926 with the goal of being a serious basketball team. In the early years, the team would play anyone and beat nearly every team they played. In 1940, the Globetrotters won the World Basketball Championship when they defeated the Chicago Bruins. The Globetrotters became famous around the world, but it wasn’t because they won the Championship. They clowned around and did outrageous stunts during games and that made them popular with fans!

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are a type of ecosystem.  For more than 400 million years, corals have been building reefs in the earth’s oceans.  Corals may look like plants, but they are actually animals!  Coral is made from polyps that grow in fantastic ways.  When they die, their skeletons remain, and become a hard rock base for new polyps to grow on top of.  Coral animals grow in all sorts of different ways.  Some form branches like the antlers of a deer.  Some make huge mounds that look like giant brains.  Others grow in the shape of mushrooms.

LeBron James

LeBron James was born on December 30, 1984 in Akron, Ohio to mother Gloria James. Gloria raised LeBron all by herself, with the help of her family. Gloria and LeBron moved around a lot, and LeBron even lived with his coach’s family for a bit while Gloria worked hard to find a job and a permanent home for herself and LeBron.  

QR Codes

We see QR Codes everywhere. Do you know what they are?

QR Codes are a specialized two-dimensional bar code that can be scanned easily with a smartphone. It directs you to an internet link. You can also use a QR Code reader app if you’re using an older phone.

QR codes are a square-shaped black dot and white background matrix that holds crucial information. Different colors can be used in addition to black on white. QR Codes were first invented in 1994 for a Japanese automotive company called Denso Wave. The codes were used to track car parts.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability which causes some people's brains to work a tad bit differently. Many people have Autism, but it may appear in different ways for different people. What that means is that Autism has a spectrum. Everyone with Autism does not look or act the same. They’re all individuals with a range of unique differences.  


Deserts are areas of the Earth where there is very little precipitation. Deserts are found all around the world. Most deserts get less than ten inches of rain per year. Deserts can be hot or cold. There are four deserts in America. Despite being hard to live in, deserts are full of life. Many plants and animals have adapted to live there. Some plants such as the mesquite tree have very long roots that help reach water under the ground. Others, like the cactus, can store water in their stems. Most desert animals stay in shady areas during the day and come out to eat at night.

Ice Cream

One of the most popular desserts in America is ice cream. Ice cream is a delicious treat consisting mostly of dairy and sugar. In the United States we make over 1.4 billion gallons of ice cream. That is so much ice cream that 10% of the dairy made in the United states is used in ice cream.